Status of mmap functionality?

Jonathan Rozes jrozes+942782213.3607366944 at
Tue Nov 16 19:56:51 GMT 1999


What is the consensus on the mmap functionality in current versions of
samba? I haven't seen much talk about it despite it still carrying the
"experimental" label. Are people actively working on it or is it dead in
the water for the time being? Just how experimental is it?

I tried it under Irix 6.4 at 2.0.5a, but backed it out after seeing a
few of these errors in the first few minutes of operation:

INTERNAL ERROR: Signal 10 in pid XXXX (2.0.5a)

The host system is a production box, so unfortunately I can't spend any
time tracking down the problem. Any clues would be appreciated.


+++ Jonathan Rozes, System Administrator, Will Vinton Studios

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