Service Access Rights

Gerald Carter cartegw at Eng.Auburn.EDU
Tue Nov 16 05:11:31 GMT 1999

> dave at wrote:
> I need a clarification on service parameters related to connected
> users access rights to other services:
>   o User1 is authorized/connected to Service1
>   o Service2 has "write list" and "read list"
>   o User1 is not in either Service2 lists
>   o User1 has access to Service2 unless
>     "valid users" is added to Service2
> Is it a criteria to use "valid users" and/or is there an issue with
> connected users accessing other services that just using "write list"
> and "read list" without "valid users".


Perhaps I am misunderstanding your question.

  * valid users specifies who can connect at all.
  * read list speicifies that the following user will 
    only have read access.
  * write list specifies those users with write permission

In your fourth case, in the absence of a 'valid users' 
parameter, the User1 would be able to connect to the 
Service2 and will have whatever the default access is
(assuming the user is not listed explictly in either 
read/write list).

Perhaps I did not answer you question, or explain it 
very well.  Send me mail offline if I missed the boat.


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