Warnings under OpenBSD

Andrew Tridgell tridge at samba.org
Wed Jun 9 00:14:56 GMT 1999

> > unfortunately these sort of "dumb programmer detection" systems don't
> > detect when someone is using a oft-abused function correctly, so they
> > spit out warnings, which means our mailboxes fill up with people
> > telling us that we have a security hole.
> Now, now.  I just asked for comments.  ;)

oh, I didn't mean your email, I don't mind people like you asking
about stuff like this, what I was referring to was all the emails
telling me "samba has a security hole because it uses mktemp()". 

> ...and OpenBSD does the opposite.  I'd be interested to know what 
> "doesn't work correctly" regarding setreguid().  I'll ask (and then 
> immediately duck for cover).

ok. the main thing to find out is if it is a problem on other
platforms too, in which case we might switch to using setegid() by
default again.

Cheers, Tridge

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