Problems with ME

Maik Holtkamp s-y-l at
Sat Oct 20 07:45:03 GMT 2001


at a friend I had problems to configure samba 2.2.1a as a domain
controller for two WIN98/ME clients. 

Therefore I installed W2K at my home client (my son runs w98) and
installed samba (2.2.2 was released in the meatime) here. I did not
use any configure options. The base systems (my friend and me) are
the same:

SuSE Linux 7.1 with 2.2.19.

The smb.conf:

        workgroup = HOLTKAMP
        netbios name = WORK
        interfaces = eth0 lo
        bind interfaces only = Yes
        encrypt passwords = Yes
        map to guest = Bad User
        keepalive = 30
        domain admin group = root
        domain logons = Yes
        os level = 255
        preferred master = True
        domain master = True
        wins support = Yes
        kernel oplocks = No
        hosts allow =

Here at home anything was fine I could connet to the domain, my son
can write on my disk and vice versa.

Then I visited my friend yesterday evening. Installed 2.2.2
(configure without options) used my working config (differecens in
workgroup/server) and added the users/machines by smbpasswd.

The result is:

Both clients (ME/W98) can connect to the DOMAIN. The Application
data is stored in their ~.

They can both receive the users/groups list when opening a share 
on a client and give coresponding rights to each other, root 
or the goups. 

They can read and write on the shares of the Samba server.

They can _not_ write/read on an opend share on the MS box of the
otherone :(.

The error message is:

Could not connect to \\olli\eigenebilder
<nativ: Auf \\olli\eigenebilder kann nicht zugegriffen werden>

Now, I am totally confused. What is so special with this ME client.
I did not change config and how can both clients connect the domain
and store their application data in ~ but can not connect to each

I have already added any person the user samba dialog offers me to
full access for the share but there is no way to read/write on the
otherones disks. I am using the "Client for Microsoft Networks -
native translation-  on both an have allowed files/printers access.
All the config is quite the same I have at home (in case of W98 it
is the same).

Since the MS error message is not what I call effective I explored
google, deja and the mailing list archiv of this list but found no
hint :(.

Therfore any help would be greaty apperciated.

Sorry, neither I ever ran an englisch MS version so I do not know
the used terms therein nor I am very familiar with MS at all so
probably I misunderstood some mechanisms.

Anyhow, hoping you got me.


_Maik Holtkamp_	

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