inablity to manage users from w2k machines

johnl at johnl at
Tue Oct 2 12:01:51 GMT 2001

Hello again,

I've had no answer to my last post... ever the optimist, I'll try another.

I have a linux/samba acting as pdc on a network of mostly win9x 
machines which also has a w2k ts/citrix machine and a w2k 

I want to add a user to a citrix application, but can see just 2 groups 
and 10 users within the domain when I try to do so. There are more 
of each. And the user I want to add to the citrix app is not among 
those I can 'see'.

All the documentation leads me to an 'Active Directory Users and 
Computers' tool to manage users, but this tool seems not to work 
with plain old samba 2.2.1a domain users. It won't even start. I get
 'Naming information cannot be located because:
 The specified domain either does not exist or
 could not be contacted"

I've downloaded the NT usrngr and srvmgr tools, but their 'stubs 
receive bad data' when I try to run them.

Everything looks fine from linux. The users and groups exist in 
/etc/passwd and smbpasswd files.

How can I manage the samba users? How can I even see the 
samba domain contents from w2k machines?

Hoping to hear from someone...

John Francis Lee, IS Manager
South Texas Lighthouse for the Blind
1907 Leopard Street
PO Box 9697
Corpus Christi TX 78469
361.883.1041 fax
JohnL at

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