NT type Permissions to Win2k machines.

Marc Harding mharding at ecwebworks.com
Sun Feb 11 17:08:25 GMT 2001

I have a simple question.  I have been working with the cvs versions of 
samba 2.2 for some time now and seem to have all the functionality I need 
to start using it.  However the one major issue I am having is bring down 
permissions from the domain to a Windows 2000 Professional machine (which 
is part of the domain).  For example if I try to add a user or a group from 
the domain to be part of the Administrators group, I see no users to pull 
from, and I only see the Domain Admins group.  Is this normal at this point 
in development?

If I choose the Domain Admins group,  and click OK, in the 'Select user or 
group' Dialog box, followed by Apply in the 'Administrators Properties' 
Dialog box.  I get the following error:

The following error occurred while attempting to save properties for group 
Administrators on computer EC001:

The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed.

Is this what is currently normal, or can someone work out where I have made 
a mistake?


Marc Harding.

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