SAMBA sharing a disk

Aldo Damian Ambriz Martinez aldo_damian at
Thu Dec 27 17:05:03 GMT 2001

Hi, I'm new in the mailist and I have a problem:

We have diferents NT domians, lets call DOMAIN1 and
DOMAIN2, there is a Solaris 2.6 box with SAMBA to
share a FS. PC's in DOMAIN1 don't have problems but
PC's in DOMAIN2 can't connect to SAMBA box.

PC's in DOMAIN2 are loging into main domain (DOMAIN1),
they can see teh SAMBA box on the network but they
can't access to the drive.

Do you have an idea??

The smb.con file i'm using is:

  workgroup = DOMAIN1
  netbios name = Venus
  netbios aliases = Serap_coldnet
  security = user
  log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m
  log level = 2
  max log size = 3076
  encrypt passwords = no
  hosts allow = 132.147.140. 132.147.161. 132.147.141.
132.147.159. 132.147.158. \
                132.147.147. 132.147.163. 132.147.164.
132.147.165. 132.147.166. \
                132.147.167. 132.147.148. 132.147.156.
132.147.168. 132.147.162. \
  interfaces =
  unix password sync = no

   comment = coldnet
   path = /export/ecnet/coldnet
   valid users = coldnet ambrizalo mendozaaro
cuevasila verderoa brisenoalo \
                 crediper03 crediper04 credicoy01
credicoy03 credisat07 credisat09 \
                 credidur05 credidur07 credipol03
credipol09 credicen06 credicen09 \
                 credisfe02 credisfe01 colddur
torresguo rojasala aguilarvia lopezlea \
                 soloriovea marcialsua fuentesana
   public = no
   writable = yes
   printable = no
   browseable = yes
   case sensitive = no
   follow symlinks = yes
   create mode = 0640
   directory mode = 0750


     Aldo Damián Ambriz Martínez
  Administración de Servidores UNIX
       El Palacio de Hierro
      Tel.- 52295401 ext. 1118

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