logon scripts

Edward Irvine irvinee at yahoo.com.au
Thu Sep 7 05:00:14 GMT 2000


--- Greg Ryle <GRyle at maf.org> wrote: >      
>      I am new to the list and just inherited a
> domain with a linux box 
>      running Samba 2.0.6 as a PDC.  I am wondering
> if anyone has any domain 
>      logon scripts for machines or for individual
> users I can see as an 
>      example?
>      Thanks Greg

Here is a very messy one that needs to be cleaned up!

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-------------- next part --------------
$ cat /usr/local/samba/bin/makelogonscript.pl
# log when a user "logs into the network"
# and generate a custom logon script
# This script should be called from the "root_preexec" command
# in the logon share of Samba - see /usr/local/etc/smb.conf
# for details.
# Basically, this script wants to fill up the samba "netlogon"
# share (~/.winprofile) with the sort of stuff windows 9x wants
# to see. Currently this means that:
# a) ~/.winprofile exists and is a directory.
# b) they need the CONFIG.POL policy file in ~/.winprofile
#    -- the correct policy for the correct type of user,
#    -- either student or teacher.
# c) ~/.winprofile contains a profile PROFILE.DAT
# ARGV[0] is the root directory of the calling samba share,
# ARGV[1] is the user name of the person logging in through samba,
# ARGV[2] is the client computer they are logging in to.
# ARGV[3] is the client architecture (Win95, WinNT),
# ARGV[4] is the NetBios name of this machine.
############################# Command line arguments ######################
$this_directory=$ARGV[0];     # Should be user's directory for windows
                              # profiles and policies.
$this_user=$ARGV[1];          # User's login name.
$client_machine=$ARGV[2];     # Wintel computer they are logging in from.
$client_architecture=$ARGV[3];# What sort of OS (Win95, WinNT ...
$netbios_name=$ARGV[4];       # The netbios alias of this machine.
############################## Here goes! #################################
use File::stat;
use File::Path;
use File::Copy;
############################## Some constants  ############################
if ($client_architecture eq 'Win95') {
  # Location of the student's USER.DAT skeleton file.
  $STUDENT_USER_DAT= '/usr/local/samba/profiles/student/USER.DAT';
  # Location of the student's CONFIG.POL file.
  # Location of the teacher's skeleton USER.DAT file
  # Location of the teacher's CONFIG.POL file.
  # Possible Net_BIOS names. (netbios aliases in /usr/local/etc/smb.conf)
} else {
  # UGLY HACK added for NT4 support.
  # Location of the student's NTUSER.DAT skeleton file.
  $STUDENT_USER_DAT= '/usr/local/samba/profiles/student/NTUSER.DAT';
  # Location of the student's NTCONFIG.POL file.
  # Location of the teacher's skeleton NTUSER.DAT file
  # Location of the teacher's NTCONFIG.POL file.
  # Possible Net_BIOS names. (netbios aliases in /usr/local/etc/smb.conf)
# Get the user_id number and group_id number of this user.
($uid, $gid) = ((getpwnam($this_user))[2,3]);
# Get the time right now. (tm)
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
$month = ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct',
'Nov', 'Dec')[$mon];
# And write an entry to the logfile...
open LOG, ">>/var/log/netlogon.log";
print LOG "$month $mday $hour $min $sec\t$this_user\tlogged into\t$client_machin
# Profile Directory check.
# Now we will check to make certain that nothing too wierd has
# been done to this directory... kids haven't hacked it up 'n stuff.
# Make sure this directory exists. Make sure its not an
# ordinary file either, and has all the right permissions
$rc=0;                                     # result count.
unless (-d $this_directory){
    if (-e $this_directory){               # Hmm.. Not a directory!
        system("rm -R -f $this_directory"); $rc += $? >> 8;
        print LOG "*** Warning: removed $this_directory\n";
    system("mkdir -p -m 0750 $this_directory"); $rc += $? >> 8;
    print LOG "*** Warning: had to create $this_directory\n";
print LOG "*** Warning: Some funny result codes returned from the above! $! \n"
# Check permissions on the directory, and fix if need be.
$sb = stat($this_directory);
if($uid != $sb->uid || $gid != $sb->gid){
    chown($uid, $gid, $this_directory);
# End of check. Their profile directory should now exist in an
# untampered state. Let's keep going.
# Figure out if the user belongs to
# the group "admin" and/or the group "staff". These
# users get access to special shares.
$admin_person = 0;
$staff_person = 0;
$admin_entries = (getgrnam("admin"))[3];
$admin_person++   if ($admin_entries =~ /$this_user\b/);
$staff_entries = (getgrnam("staff"))[3];
$staff_person++   if ($staff_entries =~ /$this_user\b/);
$exec_entries = (getgrnam("exec"))[3];
$exec_person++   if ($exec_entries =~ /$this_user\b/);
$cst_entries = (getgrnam("cst"))[3];
$cst_person++   if ($cst_entries =~ /$this_user\b/);
# Armed with what sort of groups they belong to, we can
# now write the logon script. Note the use of the MS-DOS
# carriage returns.
open LOGON, ">$this_directory/$this_user.BAT";
print LOGON "\@echo off\r\n";
#this is a hack to delete those huge cookie folders that pile up in
# windows machines. It is ugly as sin. It smells. But it works.
print LOGON "DELTREE /Y C:\\WINDOWS\\Profiles\\$this_user\\Cookies \r\n" if ($ui
d > 3000 and $client_architecture =~ /Win95/ );
# this hack is to put a "/persistent:no" modifier on the NET USE
# commands for NT4 clients.
if ($client_architecture =~ /Win95/){
    $persistent = ' ';
} else {
    $persistent = '/PERSISTENT:NO';
print LOGON "NET TIME \\\\ARETHA /YES /SET\r\n";
print LOGON "NET USE F: \\\\ARETHA\\faculties $persistent\r\n" if ($staff_person
print LOGON "NET USE H: /HOME $persistent\r\n" if ($client_architecture eq 'Win9
print LOGON "NET USE P: \\\\ARETHA\\$this_user $persistent\r\n";  # user's unix
home dir
print LOGON "NET USE Q: \\\\ARETHA\\all_share $persistent\r\n";
print LOGON "NET USE R: \\\\ARETHA\\teach_share $persistent\r\n" if ($staff_pers
print LOGON "NET USE S: \\\\ARETHA\\admin_share $persistent\r\n" if ($admin_pers
print LOGON "NET USE T: \\\\ARETHA\\exec_share $persistent\r\n" if ($exec_person
print LOGON "NET USE U: \\\\ARETHA\\cst_share $persistent\r\n" if ($cst_person);
print LOGON "NET USE V: \\\\AJAX\\all_share $persistent\r\n" if ($this_user eq "
# print LOGON "DELTREE /Y C:\\WINDOWS\\*.PWL $persistent\r\n" if ($client_archit
ecture eq 'Win95');
#print LOGON "PAUSE\r\n";
print LOGON "EXIT\r\n";
close LOGON;
# Students all get the same CONFIG.POL into their directory.
# If the skeleton USER.DAT is newer than the student version,
# then copy that too.
if ( $client_architecture =~ /Win95/ ) {
  my ($ctime1, $ctime2 );     # timestamps for files.
  if ($uid >= 3000){            # must be a student.
    copy( $STUDENT_CONFIG_POL, "$this_directory/CONFIG.POL" )
      || warn "$0 Warning: failed to copy. $!\n";
    # get the timestamp on the skeleton USER.DAT
    my $inode = stat( $STUDENT_USER_DAT )
      || warn "$0 warning: failed to stat. $!\n";
    $ctime1 = $inode->ctime;
    # get the timestamp on the students actual user.dat
    if ( -e "$this_directory/USER.DAT" ) {
      $inode = stat( "$this_directory/USER.DAT" )
        ||warn "$0 Warning: failed to stat. $!\n";
      $ctime2 = $inode->ctime;
    } else {
      $ctime2 = 0;
    if ($ctime2 < $ctime1) {
      copy( $STUDENT_USER_DAT , "$this_directory/USER.DAT" );
      chown( $uid, $gid, "$this_directory/USER.DAT" );
    # Zap any old Mandatory Profiles that may be around.
    if( -e "$this_directory/USER.MAN" ){
      unlink ( "$this_directory/USER.MAN" );
  } else {                      # must be a teacher type of person. This is easi
    if($uid > 1001) {          # as there are not user.dat skeletons yet.
      copy( $TEACHER_CONFIG_POL , "$this_directory/CONFIG.POL" );
      system("touch $this_directory/USER.DAT");
} else {
  # Ugly hack for NT4 support.
  my ($ctime1, $ctime2 );     # timestamps for files.
  if ($uid >= 3000){            # must be a student.
    copy( $STUDENT_CONFIG_POL, "$this_directory/NTCONFIG.POL" )
      || warn "$0 Warning: failed to copy. $!\n";
    # get the timestamp on the skeleton NTUSER.DAT
    my $inode = stat( $STUDENT_USER_DAT )
      || warn "$0 warning: failed to stat. $!\n";
    $ctime1 = $inode->ctime;
    # get the timestamp on the students actual user.dat
    if ( -e "$this_directory/NTUSER.DAT" ) {
      $inode = stat( "$this_directory/NTUSER.DAT" )
        ||warn "$0 Warning: failed to stat. $!\n";
      $ctime2 = $inode->ctime;
    } else {
      $ctime2 = 0;
    if ($ctime2 < $ctime1) {
      copy( $STUDENT_USER_DAT , "$this_directory/NTUSER.DAT" );
      chown( $uid, $gid, "$this_directory/NTUSER.DAT" );
    # Zap any old Mandatory Profiles that may be around.
    if( -e "$this_directory/NTUSER.MAN" ){
      unlink ( "$this_directory/NTUSER.MAN" );
  } else {                      # must be a teacher type of person.
   if($uid > 1001) {
      copy( $TEACHER_CONFIG_POL , "$this_directory/NTCONFIG.POL" );
      # get the timestamp on the skeleton NTUSER.DAT
      my $inode = stat( $TEACHER_USER_DAT )
        || warn "$0 warning: failed to stat. $!\n";
      $ctime1 = $inode->ctime;
      # get the timestamp on the teachers actual user.dat
      if ( -e "$this_directory/NTUSER.DAT" ) {
        $inode = stat( "$this_directory/NTUSER.DAT" )
              ||warn "$0 Warning: failed to stat. $!\n";
        $ctime2 = $inode->ctime;
      } else {
        $ctime2 = 0;
      if ($ctime2 < $ctime1) {
   #     copy( $TEACHER_USER_DAT , "$this_directory/NTUSER.DAT" );
   #     chown( $uid, $gid, "$this_directory/NTUSER.DAT" );
#      copy( $TEACHER_USER_DAT , "$this_directory/NTUSER.DAT" );
# print "$ARGV[0]   $this_user  uid = $uid \n";
# dlete any NTCONFIG.POL files around - they don't seem to work.
system("rm $this_directory/NTCONFIG.POL");
close LOG;
[sysop at Aretha ~]

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