Samba & Roaming Profiles

Kai Blin k.blin at
Sat Nov 4 13:32:35 GMT 2000

* Richard Sharpe <sharpe at> [05/11/00, 00:03:08]:

> >Does anything speak against using smbclient to connect/copy theese?
> As I understand things, there are problems with doing this. There are, I am
> lead to believe, SIDs embedded in some of the files, and, Samba does not
> allocate RIDs the same way NT does, so the SIDs in the profile can be invalid.

Hm.. I never tried.. :) Might as well be.
> However, perhaps I am wrong. OTOH, all it might take is a tool that can
> find the SIDS and remap them?

I have a (windows) tool named secure copy. Unless Unix flavor scp it doesn't
encrypt anything :), but it copies all the stuff with it. I checked. We used
it to migrate profiles from our old to our new PDC...

You can find it at I think. It's not freeware,



Kai Blin, Sysop of the Dep. of Imunology of the University of Tuebingen
The trouble with heart disease is that the first symptom is often hard to
deal with: death.
		-- Michael Phelps

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