Problems with Samba from a moron

Paul J Collins pjdc at
Wed May 10 20:48:21 GMT 2000

>>>>> "Jens" == Jens Skripczynski <Skripi at> writes:

    Jens> Windows 2000 support is not officially included in the 2.0
    Jens> branch at all.  So for PDC support you will have to use the
    Jens> current cvs branch named SAMBA_TNG. See:

Windows 2000 is fully supported in 2.0.7 when the Samba server is
configured as a member server (not PDC).  TNG is of course required
for PDC support.

    Jens> You can also configure a Linux-Box a NAT Router & Firewall,

The IP-Masquerade and Ipchains HOWTOs, available at , will cover much of this.


Paul Collins <sneakums at> - - - - - [ A&P,a&f ]
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"Linux: it's just this operating system, you know?"

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