NT4 Client login

Peter Samuelson peter at cadcamlab.org
Tue Mar 14 01:20:36 GMT 2000

[Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton]
> by the way, does anyone know how to stop redhat from switching on
> this STUPID keyboard assistance which makes ~, 'and " all escape
> keys?

I once had this option turned on in Debian just to see what it did.  I
soon turned it off again.  Now I don't remember where the option is....

A little digging suggests that you should be able to do something like

  zcat /etc/console-tools/default.kmap.gz |
    sed s/dead_//g |
    gzip > /tmp/kmap.gz &&
  mv /tmp/kmap.gz /etc/console-tools/default.kmap.gz
  /sbin/loadkeys -d



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