Domain Trusts

Matthew Geddes mgeddes at
Mon Mar 6 03:42:59 GMT 2000

I've just got NTW to join my TNG prealpha-0.8 domain. It can log in. I
created a user (that already existed on the Unix side of things) using
User Manager for Domains. I still can't get TNG --> TNG working. When I
do the createuser STUDENT$ -s -j (from rpcclient as root), the machine
account is created OK, but it can't join the domain. I get:

Set $MACHINE.ACC: Failed

I was reading (in Luke's wonderful new book) that Workstations use a
known password (the machine's NetBIOS name?) to create the account. This
apparently changed in SP4 and the NTW I used above was SP5. Could it be
that the problem lies here somewhere?

Does anyone have a pointer to something that will show me the exact
conversation between the server and workstation (that sounds a little
vague: I'm after something that an Administrator will understand that
basically details exactly what is exchanged between the two when
creating a Domain trust)?

Or just a solution to my problem..... ;-)

Thanks guys,

"Our goal for the next release of Windows 2000 is to have zero bugs."
- Lucovsky, Microsoft

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