[TNG] Status (and merging)

Seth Vidal skvidal at phy.duke.edu
Mon Jul 24 00:05:52 GMT 2000

> Does this mean that we are heading into the same dead end that stopped the
> 'old head branch' circa mid '99 ?  I still have two domains controlled by
> that branch, it did a good job up until about October from memory, when
> printing started to get troublesome.
> If TNG cannot be merged back into mainstream Samba then that sounds like
> mainstream Samba won't do PDC to W2000 and that is plain scary.
> Can I suggest the team considers slowing down on some of the gee wiz
> functions and concentrating on heading towards a useable product for people
> like me who face the prospect of needing a PDC that accepts W2000 clients
> and provides performance similar to 'main stream' samba. The pressure for a
> product like this is getting pretty significent, even I have started to
> think about products from the Evil Empire ! (Not seriously but Samba must
> fight to remain relevent).

This discussion was had back in late 99 early 00 and it came up to people
wanting w2k supported and nt and some of 9X in a nice fashion. 

Now that A LOT of the samba team are working for valinux is there a plan?
Can we be privy to this plan?
It would be nice to know where its going so I can know what (w/i relative
norms) to expect for this year - and where to push my network.


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