Password sync

David Bannon D.Bannon at
Tue Jul 18 23:12:57 GMT 2000

At 07:00 PM 18/07/2000 +1000, Henning Eiben wrote:
>I'm running Samba 2.0.6 (or 2.0.7) with SuSE 6.2 and I want to keep my samba
>and my Unix passwords in sync. Since SuSE 6.2 uses PAM I supposed I don't
>have to use the "password chat" from smb.conf ... 

If you want real unix passwords and samba passwords, then you need to use
passwd sync. It is a bit pedantic, you must get the syntax to suit what you
passwd programme says. It does not handle errors very well, the user gets
told that their existing passwd is wrong if ANYTHING fails (such as an
attempt to change to a passwd that is unsafe).

If you are happy to use pam then things can be much easier, get pam to do
all your authentication. Point pam_smb to the samba server (even if its on
the same box). You then dont need any passwds in /etc/passwd (or
/etc/shadow), dont have to worry about passwd sync, dont have to worry
about someone applying crack to /etc/passwd (anyone seen a 'crack' to apply
to the NT encrypted passwds in smbpassword ?).

David Bannon                      D.Bannon at
School of Biochemistry            Phone 61 03 9479 2197
La Trobe University, Plenty Rd,   Fax   61 03 9479 2467
Bundoora, Vic, Australia, 3083
..... Humpty Dumpty was pushed !

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