Don't get it (am I stupid?)

Martijn Grendelman martijn at
Wed Jan 26 16:13:54 GMT 2000


I am new to this list, new to Samba-TNG and new to CVS-stuff, so I apologize
in advance if my question is really stupid. Today I got the latest
CVS-source for Samba-MAIN and Samba-TNG, to try to experiment a little with
Samba as a PDC.

I read all the READMEs and I read Lars Kneschke's FAQ, but there MUST be
something I'm missing. When I try to add a machine account for my NT
Workstation by I see:

martijn at Serv2> pwd
martijn at Serv2> ./smbpasswd -a -m testmg
smbpasswd: illegal option -- a
smbpasswd [options] [password]
  -s                   use stdin for password prompt
  -D LEVEL             debug level
  -U USER              remote username
  -r MACHINE           remote machine

What's wrong with my "smbpasswd" and how do I get one that works?


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