domain trust with samba ?

Michael Hothorn mhothorn at
Wed Dec 20 10:14:53 GMT 2000

Hi there

I'm running samba as a filserver (level=user) still having a Windows NT
4.0 PDC.  
Is it possible to set up Samba as PDC, including domain-trust?

What should be implemented:

(i) If there are clients running under the domain alpha, one should be
allowed to log on on these clients as member of domain beta.  

(ii) logon sripts (.bat) should be executed on these clients when running
them as member of beta. 

(iii) One should be able to choose different domains when logging on to
the client (alpha + beta)

Any suggestions?


   Linux is user friendly, it's just a bit picky about it's friends....
|  Michael Hothorn (Administrator)   |  Michael Hothorn (Administrator)  |    
|                                    |   				 |
|  Institut für Klinische Radiologie |  Institute for Clinical Radiology | 
|  Klinikum der Stadt Mannheim	     |  University-Hospital Mannheim     |
|  Universität Heidelberg	     |  University of Heidelberg	 |
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