Quantum Snap Server and Samba NT Domain

David Atkinson datk at albury.net.au
Thu Dec 7 07:19:39 GMT 2000

Sounds like you need the Snap Server to participate in the NT domain, which requires a machine account to be created for the Snap Server on the PDC (this is the machines netbios name with an appended $.). If you are using /etc/passwd security add a line like


where the sever is called snappy. The password should then be set to snappy (the server's netbios name, all lowercase).

	# passwd snappy$
	New UNIX password : snappy

if you use encrypted passwords use

	smbpasswd -a -m snappy

you need to add the above line to your /etc/passwd file first, but smbpasswd takes care of the rest.

hope this helps

-----Original Message-----
From:	Chris Wood [SMTP:cwood at wencor.com]
Sent:	Thursday, December 07, 2000 7:26 AM
To:	samba-ntdom at us5.samba.org
Subject:	Quantum Snap Server and Samba NT Domain

I've been running our Samba as the PDC on it's own NT domain for over a
year.  This has worked well for authenticating Win95 boxes and handling
shares. We are now moving some of our shares to a Quantum Snap Server 4100
which supports NT Domain Security, but I can't get it to work correctly.

It wants to use a regular username/password to list the users/groups
available on the server.  It DOES seem to authenticate correctly against
the Samba server, BUT in order to administer the access list to the Shares
on the Snap server it requires that it downloads the list of usernames
from the PDC.

I assume that if it let me type in the usernames myself, that it would
work correctly, but it is written so that it will only use the list from
the PDC.

1. Does Samba have the ability to send this username/group
list?  (I'm guessing not.)

2. Anyone else out there doing this with any success?

Samba Server:
Samba 2.0.7
DG/UX 4.2mu05 (Data General)


Chris Wood                         Kitco, Inc.
801-489-2097                       Wencor West, Inc.
[cwood at wencor.com]                 Durham Aircraft Services

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