local user map troubles finally solved

David Bannon D.Bannon at latrobe.edu.au
Mon May 10 02:53:42 GMT 1999

At 07:29 AM 10/05/1999 +1000, Florian Laws wrote:

>just exactly as in the FAQ.
>But now I wonder: Why does it _have_ to be precisely the groups
>adm and wheel? 

I sent that addition to the FAQ, was told those names by St Luke and did
not bother to see if anything else worked. My systems (RedHat) already had
a 'wheel', I asked around at the time and no one seemed to know what it was
for ! My guess is that if Luke tells us to do it that way, do it that way !


>Hi Samba developers,
>after months of desparate trying I finally managed to get 
>Local Administrator privileges working. And it turned
>to be out soo easy:
>$ cat /usr/local/samba/lib/localgroup.map
>$ cat /usr/local/samba/lib/domaingroup.map
>adm="Domain Admins"

David Bannon                      D.Bannon at latrobe.edu.au
School of Biochemistry            Phone 61 03 9479 2197
La Trobe University, Plenty Rd,   Fax   61 03 9479 2467
Bundoora, Vic, Australia, 3083    http://bioserve.latrobe.edu.au
..... Humpty Dumpty was pushed !

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