unix password sync

Tim Winders twinders at SPC.cc.tx.us
Mon Jul 6 15:03:44 GMT 1998

On Thu, 2 Jul 1998, Jeremy Allison wrote:

> Check out the "password chat debug" parameter.

OK, I finally decided to do a search of the archives and found this is
just a switch, Yes or No.  So, I set it to Yes, but NOTHING was logged to
the log.smb file.  So, I used SWAT to change the passwd program and passwd
chat values to default and STILL nothing is logged.  I checked the
makefile and I have this


so, I guess we are at square one, in that the code for changing the
password isn't there for Digital Unix (I am running 4.0D).  At least smbd
does dump core now...

=== Tim

|  Tim Winders, CNE, MCSE        |  Email:  TWinders at SPC.cc.tx.us   |
|  Network Administrator         |  Phone:  806-894-9611 x 2369     |
|  South Plains College          |  Fax:    806-897-4711            |

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