[Samba-it] install samba 3

Riccardo Gaggero riccardo.gaggero at sogefifiltration.it
Thu Jul 8 11:49:02 MDT 2004

continuo a non capire xche non funziona il mio antivirus
altre ore di documentazione 
trovo  come verificare  il modulo  vfstest - tool for testing samba VFS modules 
bash: vfstest: command not found
find . -name vfstest 
non lo trovol
non buono......va beh forse samba-3.0.4.deb non ha il modulo attivato andiamo nei sorgenti e vediamo i paramentri :

  --with-xml-prefix=PFX   Prefix where libxml is installed (optional)
  --with-xml-exec-prefix=PFX Exec prefix where libxml is installed (optional)
  --with-mysql-prefix=PFX   Prefix where MYSQL is installed (optional)
  --with-mysql-exec-prefix=PFX Exec prefix where MYSQL is installed (optional)
  --with-pgsql-prefix=PFX   Prefix where PostgreSQL is installed (optional)
  --with-pgsql-exec-prefix=PFX Exec prefix where PostgreSQL is installed (optional)
  --with-automount        Include automount support (default=no)
  --with-smbmount         Include smbmount (Linux only) support (default=no)
  --with-pam              Include PAM support (default=no)
  --with-pam_smbpass      Build PAM module for authenticating against passdb backends (default=no)
  --with-ldapsam          Include LDAP SAM 2.2 compatible configuration (default=no)
  --with-nisplus-home     Include NISPLUS_HOME support (default=no)
  --with-syslog           Include experimental SYSLOG support (default=no)
  --with-profiling-data   Include gathering source code profile information (default=no)
  --with-quotas           Include disk-quota support (default=no)
  --with-sys-quotas       Include lib/sysquotas.c support (default=auto)
  --with-utmp             Include utmp accounting (default, if supported by OS)
  --with-manpages-langs={en,ja,pl}  Choose man pages' language(s). (en)
  --with-libsmbclient     Build the libsmbclient shared library (default=yes if shared libs supported)
  --with-spinlocks        Use spin locks instead of fcntl locks (default=no)
  --with-acl-support      Include ACL support (default=no)
  --with-sendfile-support Check for sendfile support (default=yes)
  --with-winbind          Build winbind (default, if supported by OS)
  --with-included-popt    use bundled popt library, not from system
  --with-python=PYTHONNAME  build Python libraries
  --with-static-modules=MODULES  Comma-seperated list of names of modules to statically link in
  --with-shared-modules=MODULES  Comma-seperated list of names of modules to build shared

spiace ..
     Enable support for pluggable per-share VFS modules.

....non esiste
ma allora????
forse la versione 3.0.4 lo ha gia integrato ma senza il modulo di test???

qualcuno mi sa dire qualcosa?
come faccio a vericare cosa non va...
samba funziona
samba-vscan fa qualche log di collegamento positivo
l'antivirus a riga di comando funziona...
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