Seemingly impossible bug: -v not always listing every copied file

Kevin Korb kmk at
Wed Oct 30 01:21:20 UTC 2019

It does seem impossible.  I would suggest adding --itemize-changes (-v
isn't really all that useful without it anyway).  If entries are still
missing then I would suspect that either log files are missing (maybe
duplicate file names replacing the occasional log file?) or something
other than rsync is doing things in the same dir.

On 10/29/19 9:00 PM, raf via rsync wrote:
> Hi,
> debian-9, rsync-3.1.2 (both ends)
> I have a task that rsyncs files from a list of
> candidate files (--files-from=). It's verbose (-v) and
> its stdout is captured to a file which is then sent to
> the receiving host. The captured verbose output is
> examined on the receiving host to know which files were
> actually copied so that notification emails can be sent
> to various people.
> The problem is that, sometimes, not all copied files
> are listed in the verbose output, and so some
> notification emails don't get sent out. At first, I
> thought there was something wrong with the notification
> emails not arriving, but the files in question, that
> had definitely been copied, did not appear in any of
> the captured verbose output files.
> This seems like an impossible bug but it really seems
> to be happening. Has anyone else encountered behaviour
> like this? I didn't have much luck searching the
> internet for it. It would probably be hard to notice
> if the verbose output wasn't being used for something
> like triggering notifications whose absence might be
> noticed.
> cheers,
> raf

	Kevin Korb			Phone:    (407) 252-6853
	Systems Administrator		Internet:
	FutureQuest, Inc.		Kevin at  (work)
	Orlando, Florida		kmk at (personal)
	Web page:
	PGP public key available on web site.

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