Getting transfer error lists

Ryan Joseph thealchemistguild at
Tue May 4 19:52:15 MDT 2010

Hello again,

Is there a reliable way I can parse the errors or get a direct list that rsync produces while transferring? I'm writing a GUI and the only way to get errors has been using regular expressions (all lines starting with "rsync:" for one) but it's not always reliable because I don't know the format of all errors. Also some errors appear to not be fatal but I'm not sure which these are and have to report back to the user all errors even if they are erroneous or harmless. Any ideas?

Also along these lines is there a guide to the errors and what they mean exactly? I have users report errors like the one below but these make little sense to people (including me) unless they are familiar with the internal workings of rsync. It seems like there should be a more user friendly error reporting that real users can understand instead of programmers lingo like "rsync: recv_generator: failed to stat". Is there an index of error ID's I could follow and a reliable format to parse? Like the error below is 34 the error ID?

rsync: recv_generator: failed to stat "/Volumes/Sicherung/!Datensicherung/Dateien/Texte und Worddateien/Schriftverkehr privat/EinladungEssen.DOC": Result too large (34)

Thanks for your ideas.


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