WARNING: . . . .failed verification -- update discarded (will try again).

JW jw at mailsw.com
Thu Jun 4 22:42:35 GMT 2009

On Thursday 04 June 2009 10:28:00 you wrote:
> JW (jw at mailsw.com) wrote on 3 June 2009 11:58:
>  >A nightly scripted rsync backup job is giving me this error
>  >
>  >WARNING: vm/escDebLenny14G-flat.vmdk failed verification -- update
>  > discarded (will try again).
>  >However, I haven't seen any explanations for the "will try again" part.
> After pulling a file rsync verifies its checksum; if it fails rsync
> tries once more, and if it still fails rsync gives up and reports the
> error. Therefore if there is no final error message the file was
> successfully pulled.

Thank you for answering that question.

> This is explained in http://rsync.samba.org/how-rsync-works.html

It so happens that that page does not contain the of the phrases "will try 
again", "failed verification", "update discarded", -- no wonder I couldn't 
find that via a web search.

Thank you,



System Administrator - Cedar Creek Software

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