directories not correctly recognized rsync-3.0.4

Paul Slootman paul+rsync at
Tue Sep 9 11:16:54 GMT 2008

On Tue 09 Sep 2008, Jan Thielmann wrote:
> I'm running rsync-3.0.4 on my UNIX system. I've just updated from rsync-2.6.9.
> I'm facing a general problem with the execution of files during a transfer process.
> The situation: 2 Directories (dir1 and dir2) on one machine with a some files in dir1 which shall be translated to dir2. 
> rsync does not correctly recognize dir1 and dir2 as directories. It tries to transfer dir1 as a file to dir2. Then, of course, it cancelles the transfer because dir1 is not a regulary file. 

Please show the complete, exact commmand line you use to start rsync.
Also a listing of the directories involved could be useful
(e.g. find dir1 dir2 -ls)

Paul Slootman

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