why not a gui for rsync

Daniel Platteau daniel at exsit.be
Sun Sep 30 00:02:42 GMT 2007

I'm using rsync and I'm very glad, but, in some case, i'm not so happy.

Some people are backing up the data with rsync but they have a lot of files, more than 100000 and 20 Gb of data.

We are using batch files and the task scheduling system of windows.

It is difficult to see if the backup is well done, sometimes, they are error.
We try to make some gui, one in java, an other in c++ and also one in delphi.
The target was to make a service who can monitor the backup made with rsync 
and a gui that shown the state of the backup and allow the user to easily take back one file or, even, to take back old versions of the file.

We are using rsync compiled with cygwin, the rsync software is launch in a shell and we try to collect the information in the "master programm" who have launched rsync.
This way is maybe not the best way.

My questions are :

Is there a way to use the rsync protocol directly in a software without using rsync, like a dll  with a lot of "rsync" functions.

Is there some works in the world trying to make a good gui for rsync and to let all people using this very good method to make a backup.

If somebody is interesting to create this gui, let me know

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