files permission and hidden files are not rsync properly
A. Khan
akhan at
Thu Jul 19 15:49:30 GMT 2007
> > In the future and if you need more help on this issue than the below,
> > please send the exact rsync command you used!
> Here is the command that I ran from the destinition machine which is
> also
> running the rsync daemon or the rsync server;
> [root at mail admin]# rsync --verbose --progress --stats --recursive
> /home/vpopmail/
> they are not symlinks as log mentioned they are hidden files (or dot
> files),
"Hidden file" is not a file type. On Unix-like systems, the concept
of hidden-ness does not exist at the filesystem level or in most
filesystem tools (e.g., rsync). That a file whose name begins with a
dot is considered hidden is merely a convention among the user
interfaces of most file listers/browsers and a few other tools.
> so is there any thing specific that I have to add in the command
> to copy those as well?
As per the above, dot files are nothing out of the ordinary to rsync
and no special option is needed to make rsync copy them.
>Please send the "ls -la" output showing the dot files so I can see
>what their file type is (as indicated by the first character of each
>line of the listing).
Matt you are right that the hidden files are not file types. I certainly
overlooked at them and they are basically Symlinks. (sorry for my
previous claim) I was basically mixing with one of our other box that I
had to create some hidden files (dot files) manually. Applology.
Since that is out of the way I can pass --links with rsync command to
rsync the symlinks.
Here is the ls -la output of few of the files that you asked for;
lrwxrwxrwx 1 vpopmail vchkpw 57 Oct 23 2006 .qmail-allusers ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 vpopmail vchkpw 60 Oct 23 2006
.qmail-allusers-accept-default -> /home/vpo
lrwxrwxrwx 1 vpopmail vchkpw 58 Oct 23 2006
.qmail-allusers-default -> /home/vpopmail/d
>I just realized a much more likely cause of the problem. If the rsync
>daemon on the destination is started as "root", by default it changes
>IDs to "nobody:nobody" before accessing the module and thus loses the
>power to set the owners of received files arbitrarily (in this case,
>to "vpopmail:vchkpw"). To make the daemon stay as root so it can
>chown the files, explicitly say "uid = root" and "gid = root" in the
>rsyncd.conf .
Here is the existing /etc/rsyncd.conf file;
[root at mail]# cat /etc/rsyncd.conf
log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log
log format = %h %o %f %l %b
path = /email_backup
comment = email backup
list = yes
read only = no
Which I am going to change it to ;
log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log
log format = %h %o %f %l %b
uid = root
gid = root
path = /email_backup
comment = email backup
list = yes
read only = no
Thank you for your help again.
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