Malformed Address and Private IP issue

Wayne Davison wayned at
Thu Mar 9 01:15:36 GMT 2006

On Wed, Mar 08, 2006 at 01:48:37PM -0800, Jonathan Chen wrote:
> 2006/03/08 11:25:12 [16976] malformed address localhost.localdomain

That can't be 2.6.6 because 2.6.6 doesn't have an error message of that
format.  In 2.6.6, the old "malformed address" error now outputs as
"error matching address" and includes the gai_strerror() text after a
colon.  A new error in 2.6.6 that does include the string "malformed
address" would have also included the gai_strerror() text after a colon.
Thus, that's still the old rsync running.  Perhaps it didn't really get
stopped?  Or perhaps it is running via inetd?


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