Rsync patch for default ACLs and executability

Matt McCutchen hashproduct at
Wed Sep 28 00:18:03 GMT 2005

A while ago, I wrote to the list:
> I wrote a patch for rsync 2.6.6 that changes two things: [default ACLs
> and preserving executability]

In case it matters to anyone:

I've been using the patched rsync (actually, I made additional changes
after that patch) and it works decently...but I've convinced myself that
any attempt to get rsync to observe default permissions cleanly and
correctly in all cases is doomed to failure due to the many "chmod"
calls it uses.  Oh well.

Perhaps the fancy pluggable tar/rsync program, if it is ever written,
could do better.
Matt McCutchen, ``hashproduct''
hashproduct at --

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