pauses sync'ing between tmpfs and disk on Linux 2.4.x

Paul Slootman paul at
Fri Mar 25 09:18:37 GMT 2005

On Wed 23 Mar 2005, Ray Van Dolson wrote:
> No swap in use... however, keep in mind that this is a tmpfs filesystem which
> I know differs from a ramfs in that it can be swapped.  However, one would
> think this would show up in the 'free' output above which it does not...
> However, maybe my understanding of that is incorrect.  I could switch to an
> actual ramfs filesystem to eliminate swapping as a possibility.  However, that
> would require a reboot unfortunately so I'd have to try it later. :-)

You could try removing the swap, if it's not needed anyway...

swapoff -a

Paul Slootman

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