Status of rsync + cygwin

Edward Grace ej.grace at
Mon Aug 4 22:29:56 EST 2003

Dear All,

I have been following the rsync discussion list for some time, particularly 
with reference to the rsync problems on Cygwin.  From my understanding there 
are two (seperate) issues.

1)	Rsync can wait indefinitely due to some form of child/signal handling
	problem (I imagine this can be a pain to get right for all the different

2)	Long file names that are still within the POSIX limit can't always be read.

My understanding is that (1) is a rsync problem, for which a number of patches 
have been proposed and (2) appears to be a cygwin problem.

Could you advise me as to:
	*	when (1) is likely to find its way into a rsync / cygwin release 


	*	where the patches are (there was some confusion) and where to find info on
		building under cygwin.


	*	Where to ask about the cygwin issues (I am asking here as I imagine people 
		"here" know a lot of the relevent people "there")

I am currently using rsync over a smbmount to backup a Windowz machine, *not* 
ideal for many reasons, as I'm sure you are aware.  For *nix -> *nix however 
it is great!

Many thanks.

Edward Grace
Photonics Group, Physics Department
Blackett Laboratory
Imperial College
t: 020 759 47721
e: ej.grace at

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