[clug] Introducing a few games that run on Linux

George at Clug Clug at goproject.info
Wed Oct 21 00:59:16 UTC 2015

    Bob - Thanks for pointing out the file attachment issue.

I have been testing out various games that my family currently play on
their Windows 7 computers. I wanted to see how well they run under

The link below may allow you to download the Open Office document that
describes the
Linux system that I tested the games on and gives a brief overview of
issues that I experienced and how I installed the games.  
If the link does not work for you, please let me know as I have had
issues using these links before.

Click on the link to download the file (possible until 30-11-2015)

	* DebianXfce.odt [1]
Should you have time, please read the document and mark-up any
comments and/or document corrections, then email back to me. I would
appreciate the proof reading.



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