[clug] tftp server

Paul Harvey csirac2 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 28 23:36:20 UTC 2015

Other things to try:

- Is your firewall on (ufw on ubuntu)
- Is there something listening on your network interface on the tftp
port? Try something like sudo netstat -tulnp to check
- Is tftpd configured to run from inetd (the default, I think)?
Perhaps try stopping inetd and run the tftpd server binary in
stand-alone/"listen"/foreground/debug mode, remembering to specify a
server address which would cover the correct network interface
- Are there any clues in the logs (inetd logs perhaps?)

I'm not a Ubuntu user, but I've had a lot of shenanigans like this
transitioning to systemd in Debian - sometimes packages are
half-converted to support systemd but not properly, and perhaps inetd
itself needs TLC or is in a weird state on your machine.

Here's a primer on replacing inetd with systemd socket activation

Pro tip: don't forget to systemctl daemon-reload each time you change
a systemd unit file

On 29 August 2015 at 08:34, Michael Carden <crash at michaelcarden.net> wrote:
> File permissions? SELinux context? What does ls -Z look like on the file
> you want to serve?
> --
> MC
> --
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