[clug] verify multilpe gnu packages at once

Luke Mewburn lukem-clug at mewburn.net
Sun May 11 20:15:39 MDT 2014

On Sat, May 10, 2014 at 02:47:21PM +0000, Logan McLintock wrote:
  | Hi Guys,
  | I am doing a deviation from Linux from scratch (LFS) and I want to
  | verify a whole bunch of gnu packages at once. Linux from scratch
  | uses md5sums and they check them all at once from a file called
  | md5sums, as follows (page 15 of LFS 7.5)
  | wget -i wget-list -P $LFS/sources
  | pushd $LFS/sources md5sum -c md5sums popd
  | Now I am trying to do the same thing (I have a directory with many
  | packages and their corresponding .sig files) and the best I can come
  | up with is;
  | $ gpg --verify-files --verbose *.sig
  | $ gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 306037D9 000BEEEE
  | ............. need an ID for every package
  | $ gpg --verify-files --verbose *.sig
  | but its not automatic. I need to somehow grep or sed or gawk? them
  | together? Help please =)

Have you tried adding
	--keyserver-options auto-key-retrieve
to the gpg --verify command line ?

Be aware of the Note in the manual page:
	Note that this option makes a "web bug" like behavior possible.
	Keyserver operators can see which keys you request, so by
	sending you a message signed by a brand new key (which you
	naturally will not have on your local keyring), the operator can
	tell both your IP address and the time when you verified the
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