[clug] GNOME 3 in trouble according to El reg. True or a beat up?

Chris Smart clug at christophersmart.com
Mon Nov 5 13:54:41 MST 2012

On 05/11/12 21:22, Ian Bardsley wrote:
> I have until recently stayed back in the Gnome 2.xx era to avoid Gnome 3
> (and Unity) but have recently moved to Mint with Cinnamon Desktop

Cinnamon is a fork of GNOME Shell and still uses the rest of GNOME 3.

It's a pity that Canonical didn't put their Unity investment into
creating it on top of GNOME 3 (like it's designed for). They could have
collaborated and just shipped their Unity Shell (instead of GNOME Shell).

Has anyone actually given GNOME 3.4+ a go? I have to say it's pretty
darn impressive.


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