[clug] Howto change /Title in PDFs?

Joshua Rich joshua.rich at gmail.com
Wed Aug 15 05:28:28 MDT 2012

Hi Scott,

You can use ghostscript in a bash script to do this, here is a script I use
that you are free to use and adapt:



if [[ $# == 0 ]]; then
    echo "Usage: $0 <article.pdf>"
    exit -1

for input_file in $*; do
    if [[ $(file ${input_file} | grep PDF) == 1 ]]; then
        echo "${input_file} not a PDF, ignoring..."
        title=$(basename ${input_file} .pdf)
        echo "[ /Title (${title}) /DOCINFO pdfmark" > ${pdfmarks_file}
        gs ${GS_OPTS} -sOutputFile=${output_file_temp} ${input_file}
        mv -f ${output_file_temp} ${input_file}

Note, I haven't used this for quite some time since switching jobs around a
bit.  I don't think ghostscript has changed its parameters much though so
should still work.  Still have it in my ~/scripts directory for when needed


Joshua Rich

On 15 August 2012 13:05, Scott Ferguson <scott.ferguson.clug at gmail.com>wrote:

> Any suggestions for simple methods to change/create the Title for PDFs?
> ImageMagick export allow the creation of a "title" or "caption" for
> images, but doesn't seem to apply them to PDF files created with "convert".
> e.g.:-
> convert: unrecognised option `-title' @
> error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/2777.
> Instead Title uses the path/file-name of the image file from which the
> PDF was converted e.g. from "strings":-
> /Title (/tmp/scanimage.pdf)
> The Title I wish to apply to the PDFs is the same as the PDF file-name
> minus the .pdf extension, `date "+%H%M_%d-%m-%Y"`
> Preferred solution would be as close to current process as possible
> (i.e. not require installing mono libraries or calling script wrappers).
> scanbuttond (get button push) > scanimage (GRAY 8-bit) > imagemagick
> (convert to jpg) > imagemagick (convert to small pdf)
> Version of ImageMagick being used is
> The PDFs being produced are simple, single page, A4 (image only).
> Thanks in anticipation
> --
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