[clug] Donating to FOSS. What do people do?

Andrew Janke a.janke at gmail.com
Wed Nov 2 23:49:48 MDT 2011

On 3 November 2011 15:40, jhock <jhock at iinet.net.au> wrote:
> - made their code Open Source,

Release early, release often. At least in my Uni experience being
funded on NHRMC, ARC and federal government $$ when you
are only releasing a small bit of code to start with it's easier to
make a case for its release. Or better still figure out how your
widget can extend an existing FOSS project.

At this stage be very sure to let everyone know above you that this
project will be plastered with <your department, funded by <blah>> all
over it. Also point out to them that code release can be thought of as
an outcome and is a form of maintenance beyond the project's initial
funding. In the past I have also considered code release as a form of
public outreach that can be fed back to your funding agency as an

> - developed governance on how to allow developers to add to the code,

Bung it up on github/somewhere, maintain your own private fork.
Perhaps I'm un-paranoid but I've never had a problem with people
randomly going in and destroying your work for giggles. Most sites
like github/sourceforge also take care of a large amount of the
mechanics of this login/governance issue for you.


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