[clug] Sarcasm detection

Alex Satrapa grail at goldweb.com.au
Fri May 28 01:15:23 MDT 2010

On 28/05/2010, at 16:44 , Mike Carden wrote:

> And yet in the last couple of years, text seems to contract the two
> words 'a' and 'lot' into a brand new word, alot. It happens a lot.

Obviously people don't allot as much time to spelling bees in school anymore.  I remember about a third of my time in year 2 or 3 was learning lists of 20 or so words from this little green-and-white covered book, which was the "official" vocabulary for kids my age (at the time).  Sadly, I was one of those nerdy types who correlated "score in spelling bee" with "personal worth".  I got beat up a lot.


PS: thankyou, Daniel, for that wonderful article about the Alot. A poorly understood beast at the best of times.

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