[clug] The harsh realities of CLUG

Paul Wayper paulway at mabula.net
Mon May 24 05:19:44 MDT 2010

Hash: SHA1

On 20/05/10 18:02, Sakari Mattila wrote:
> Wiki is good idea, but may be  too much burden to keep it clean and maintain the content.
> How about audio recordings of the talks ?  A few word summary per half an hour talk
> is easy to keep up. When needed, pictures and code sniplets, etc. could be there, too.
> The ANU room has microphones and other services. Needs somebody to carry an MP3
> recorder and edit the audio files. Stereo recording is easier to listen to. Wiki could even 
> contain links to video, when there is something to see.

Sounds great.  You're volunteering to do that, right?

See, the problem I'm experiencing here is that everyone has good ideas for
what someone else should do.  In the Linux-Australia IRC channel today I
proposed the idea of Linux Australia setting up an "Australian Linux" wiki
that could document the peculiarities of working with Linux in the land of the
Parched Echidna.  Things like configs to get various 3G dongles working with
Telstra, Vodaphone or Optus, how to get various hardware things that are
Australian rebranded stuff working with Linux and so forth.  It would be a
project to rally the various Australian LUGs together on - to provide a
resource for our community that extends beyond our own email lists and meetings.

Rightly, Peter Lieverdink asked me if I was volunteering to run it.  And I
said that I could start it, but that it would be up to everyone else to fill
it out, advertise it to their LUGs, and keep it alive.  I'm still thinking
about whether to put forward that proposal - because these days I try to think
in terms of adding time for a new commitment by taking time away from
something else that I'm currently doing.  What would I give up in order to
have time to create a new website?

I'm all for the idea of recording CLUG meetings in audio or video and making
them available.  I've got a couple of them tucked away here in various forms.
 And the mirror.linux.org.au server has plenty of space for them.  But the
hard work is in actually turning up to meetings, setting up the equipment,
processing the files afterward and making them available.  And I think we need
someone (or some people) to say "Hey, I've got this great idea, why don't I
record the CLUG meetings and make them available?"

Linux didn't get started because Linus Torvalds thought "you know, someone
else could totally write a Unix-style kernel on the Intel 386".

Have fun,

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