[clug] KDE/Kate, syntax-highlighting, Eclipse and language/build support

steve jenkin sjenkin at canb.auug.org.au
Tue Aug 24 16:21:07 MDT 2010

After hearing Tridge talk about 'Waf', I'm a bit more interested in the
"build problem" (how do you build/test 3 different architectures
(2*x86+ARM) from a single source tree? Extra points for completeness,
reliably and speed.)

And the pointy bit of that [for some of us :)] is a good editor and
development environment.

I was wondering what people used. [I'm thinking 'vi'+ make is dating me]
At one point I had a lot of experience with Borland's IDE.
Great for some stuff, incomprehensible in some ways, limited,
non-portable, non-extensible :-(
But chiefly, non-free/open. [Please, not flame-bait on word-use]

I found out recently that KDE's editor, Kate, does highlighting (more?)
and has a bazillion plug-in files for different languages,
*and* there are native ports of 'qt' (the toolkit underlying KDE) for
both Mac and Winders. [Perl 5?? The ultimate non-parsable language]

On Mac, you can run it from X-11 libraries or Aqua...

That's gotta be good for some things.

I've read occasionally about the Eclipse environment, and have this
fuzzy thought it attempts to be the Universal (Extensible) IDE.
Add your language if you want :-)

Any comments, hints, suggestions, warnings or anything?


PS: I got 'fink', the dpkg/apt-get package installer for OS/X working on
10.6 (Snow Leopard). No binary packages as yet, installs from source and
builds everything - s-l-o-o-o-w on my mac-mini.
(you gentoo or BSD people can laugh at me)

I'm interested because fink supposedly has had KDE-3 for sometime and
KDE-4 is at least in 'unstable'. (But haven't tracked this down yet)

Gives me a quick and easy way into this world on my desktop,
transportable/interoperable to my preferred Linux environment.

Steve Jenkin, Info Tech, Systems and Design Specialist.
0412 786 915 (+61 412 786 915)
PO Box 48, Kippax ACT 2615, AUSTRALIA

sjenkin at canb.auug.org.au http://members.tip.net.au/~sjenkin

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