[clug] Verifying SPAM or Google Recruiting

Alex Satrapa grail at goldweb.com.au
Tue Apr 27 19:08:15 MDT 2010

On 28/04/2010, at 11:03 , Jeff wrote:

> It then becomes a game of making the potential employee bend to their will, or even less kindly, limited thinking ability. This, of course, means that they get many false negatives, because those that choice to or otherwise will not/can not play the dumb we-only-accept-word-docs game get passed over.

Perhaps it's a test then, as to how ambiguous your moral compass is.  Yet another warning sign, regardless of whether you follow the malice or incompetence interpretation - I wouldn't follow up that kind of offer.  Not that I'll ever be invited to work for Google, they're too smart to ask me :P


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