[clug] Beginners' CLUG & Install Fest - website at last

Dave Upton dave.upton at y7mail.com
Sat May 23 23:52:52 GMT 2009

Hello everyone,

I would just like to say that the site in Paul's email is just what the doctor ordered.  I was going to write and ask lots of questions about the installfest but most were answered on the site.

I was and still am planning on coming along to the fest and the feast of bbqd delights I am sure will be on offer.  I still have a couple of questions.

Basically I have a system that was Windows and still has a broken version of XP on on partition and a working version of Linux on another.  My hope is to come along get my system all turned over to Linux and specifically Ubuntu that started me using Linux.


Bringing peripherals - does this include speakers? I know they are peripherals but do they just work if your sound card does. I know microphones don't

External USB HD - any point in bringing this to back up to prior to re-jigging my system or do you have that sort of thing?

Are the people or the person who will perform this magic able to explain in relatively simple terms what they are doing or do they tend to be extremely busy?  I am very interested in watching and learning as it is done.


Dave the newbie and fully converted ex Windows user

From: Paul Wayper <paulway at mabula.net>
To: CLUG List <linux at lists.samba.org>
Sent: Saturday, 23 May, 2009 10:56:25 AM
Subject: [clug] Beginners' CLUG & Install Fest - website at last

Hash: SHA1

Hi everyone,

I've finally written the site I mentioned in the flier:


I've put the relevant text files on the WebDAV folder
http://clug.tangram.dnsalias.net/installfest/ if anyone wants to edit it to
make it more beautiful or add information.  I'll diff that regularly and
update my own site when the local copy changes.

Hope this helps,

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