[clug] Why isn't Java popular on the Linux Desktop?

Nathan O'Sullivan nathan.osullivan at team.mammoth.com.au
Thu Jul 9 21:03:03 MDT 2009

Francis Markham wrote:
> My uniformed two cents worth:
>     * Native feeling GUI programming in Java is hard, especially in
>       swing.  While good GUI programming is never simple, C#'s GTK#
>       package has a familiar API for gnome developers and obviously
>       integrates into the gnome desktop
>     * Up until the the release of openjdk, there was no reliable,
>       compatible java desktop that could be redistributed, gcj
>       notwithstanding
> Hopefully now that the second problem is largely fixed, the first will 
> fix itself.  Does anyone have any experience using SWT on linux?
Francis: CC'ing back to list since I imagine based on what you wrote, 
you meant to

Is there a Java equivalent to GTK# ?

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