[clug] Sun Grid Engine

Daniel Pittman daniel at rimspace.net
Wed Aug 26 21:25:17 MDT 2009

Andrew Janke <a.janke at gmail.com> writes:
>>> Sort of...  Meaning you want to do batch processing on windows machines on
>>> Office things via OLE?
>> *nod*  One of the less pleasant requirements we have is to generate
>> PowerPoint slide sets from data we collect and process.  Given that
>> generating this has consumed three or four hours of CPU time in the past,
>> and that the only interface that can do it is driving PPT via OLE
>> automation[1]...
> Ah, completely understand.  In the past I have surreptitiously achieved this
> (although the requirement was for excel spreadsheets and graphs to display
> end results) via automating openoffice and then saving as excel...  I am
> sure such thoughts of using OO have already passed your mind though.

They certainly crossed my mind, among other, less printable, things, when this
went from someone else's problem to my problem. ;)

Apparently, no, this isn't sufficient.  We can avoid some of the other tools
like Word and Excel this way, but PPT is intractable. :/

> I haven't even it looked at it but is there any scope here to modify an
> existing .pptx files XML?

I actually have some hope for that in the future.  It seems to be held up
behind companies that don't want to fork over the money to upgrade to the
latest Microsoft software.  I can't imagine why that wouldn't inspire. ;)

Anyway, thank you very much for your comments.

✣ Daniel Pittman            ✉ daniel at rimspace.net            ☎ +61 401 155 707
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