[clug] Sun Grid Engine (was Re: Two (perhaps simple) shellquestions.) [SEC=PERSONAL]

Roppola, Antti - BRS Antti.Roppola at daff.gov.au
Wed Aug 26 19:33:08 MDT 2009

We tried Condor a few years back and I found it a bit cumbersome. You
needed a reasonably large/repetitive problem to warrant the effort in
setting up a task. Heterogeneous nodes also made our life harder (we
couldn't just batch deploy worker applications to the nodes). A
dedicated cluster would have made it easier, but in that case I'd have
probably looked at more tightly integrated solutions.

A simpler, cooler option for a basic scheduler (that worked really well
with Windows desktops) was a home brew "at" (cron) task that ran any
batch files matching the node's assett number from a central share.



-----Original Message-----

Finally, do you have anything to say on the topic of SGE vs Condor for
this sort of work?

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