[clug] remote X performannce

Michael James michael at james.st
Sun Aug 2 22:38:35 MDT 2009

Dear CLUGgers,

We are trying to run an application remotely over X.
It's of about the visual complexity of Open Office.
It needs a really grunty workstation to do anything useful,
  peoples desktops don't cut it, hence the need to run it remotely

Running from a machine on the same local switch
  we get visible re-draw delays but usable performance.

Running from Brisbane back to Canberra we get ...
  "You have re-sized your screen, go have lunch
  while you wait for the changes to take effect".

The network looks good, a long ping gives
  no packet loss and a rock steady 16.6 mSecond delay.

Why is the network having such a bad effect?

Are we:

1)	Doing the wrong thing, forget it.

2)	Doing something that might work.

3)	Doing something that should work.

4)	Doing something that would work better using NX.


Well theme my emoticons disgusted. What has Linux come to?
Michael James

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