[clug] Why switch to Linux?

Alex Satrapa grail at goldweb.com.au
Thu Nov 9 04:09:23 GMT 2006

On 9 Nov 2006, at 14:50, Drew Parsons wrote:

> On Thu, 2006-11-09 at 14:28 +1100, Robert Edwards wrote:
>> 2) robustness (rarely crashes)
> To be honest I find this statement is extremely deceptive.
> Between firefox, evolution, open office and power management, I  
> find my
> laptop running Linux crashes a *lot*.  Doesn't always freeze the  
> entire
> system up (then again sometimes it does), but a crash is a crash.

I used to have a desktop PC running Windows. Any time the screensaver  
put the computer to sleep, it would hard lock and the only way to get  
it working again was disconnect the power, press the "on/off" button  
(to discharge the power supply) and then reconnect the power.

Windows is obviously a defective product.

Perhaps you only notice your Linux laptop having problems because  
they're not supposed to happen, and when they do it's very  
infrequently? As opposed to Windows where you don't think twice about  
relaunching the web browser when it crashes?


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