Fwd: [clug] Anger is like a soul that gets things accomplished!

david david at qednet.biz
Tue Mar 7 20:59:04 GMT 2006

I believe some of the best magnets come from hard drives......which 
seems paradoxical.

Anger is good for breaking things, cats don't exhibit anger, they are 
more into revenge.....


freegazer wrote:

>(re: magnets) blasphemer! they are the devils work!
>but really, they are really good for speakers.... and killing time .. and
>freaking out cats :)
>On 3/7/06, Paul Wayper <paulway at mabula.net> wrote:
>>Hash: SHA1
>>freegazer wrote:
>>>is there an address to send information to on this?
>>The only way I've found is to use the web form at
>>http://www.dest.gov.au/ministers/bishop/contact.htm.  Use your own words,
>>judgement :-)
>>Hope this helps,
>>>Duct tape is one of the sacred triumvirate of the Most Important Tools
>>>the World. Use the Tool Triumvirate thusly:
>>>1) If it moves and it shouldn't -- use Duct Tape.
>>>2) If it doesn't move and it should -- use WD-40.
>>>3) If it should sometimes move -- use Velcro.
>>BTW, where do powerful magnets come into this?
>>Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
>>Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
>by ipxodi (156633) on Tuesday August 23, @07:47AM (#13378220) (
>Duct tape is one of the sacred triumvirate of the Most Important Tools in
>the World. Use the Tool Triumvirate thusly:
>1) If it moves and it shouldn't -- use Duct Tape.
>2) If it doesn't move and it should -- use WD-40.
>3) If it should sometimes move -- use Velcro.
>by ipxodi (156633) on Tuesday August 23, @07:47AM (#13378220) (
>Duct tape is one of the sacred triumvirate of the Most Important Tools in
>the World. Use the Tool Triumvirate thusly:
>1) If it moves and it shouldn't -- use Duct Tape.
>2) If it doesn't move and it should -- use WD-40.
>3) If it should sometimes move -- use Velcro.

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