[clug] What runlevel should bring network up?

Robert Edwards bob at cs.anu.edu.au
Thu Jun 8 00:39:05 GMT 2006

It is interesting (and somewhat frustrating) that in Ubuntu/Kubuntu/...
they have moved (quite late in the flight series) the startup of ntpdate
from /etc/init.d and /etc/rcS.d to /etc/network/if-up.d, the reasoning
being, apparently, that you want to run ntpdate immediately after the
network interfaces are up, on the basis they may not come up during
normal system startup (PCMCIA/hotplug/VPNs etc.).

Furthermore, in this directory (/etc/network/if-up.d) there is no
sensible way to control the sequence of when things start (eg.
S23ntpdate etc.) and so ntp-kernel-server (who uses xntp anymore
anyway?) may get started before ntpdate.

Anyway, in Debian, contrary to Tony Lewis's last post, networking gets
started in /etc/rcS.d/S40networking and the /etc/rcS.d scripts do always
run before the scripts in /etc/rc2.d.


Bob Edwards.

Paul Wayper wrote:
> Kim Holburn wrote:
>> xntpd will fail if your local clock is more than 1 second out.  (I 
>> forget the exact amount.)  Most ntp start up scripts run ntpdate or 
>> ntptimeset first before they start ntpd.
> According to the man page it's actually 1000 seconds.  But the second 
> sentence is correct. :-)
> HTH,
> Paul

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