finding the spammer (was Re: [clug] <your email address> I take that back)

Kim Holburn kim.holburn at
Thu Apr 20 05:08:51 GMT 2006

On 2006 Apr 20, at 2:37 PM, Michael Still wrote:

> Kim Holburn wrote:
>> Now they've been removed from the list I'll tell you:   
>> trashmachine at
> Ok, so I am confused. How do we know they're a spammer instead of  
> just a moron?

He had an automated system that replied each time I (or anyone else)  
sent an email to the clug list with an email appearing to be a  
response from greylist system and asking me to click on a "special"  
link to verify I had in fact sent the email.  He has been subscribed  
to the clug list and some other lists for a few weeks.

It looks like at the very least it harvests emails from people who  
send emails to the clug list and immediately bombards them with an  
awful lot of emails.  I know this because the sender of the emails I  
sent is not really a valid email and I have never used it before I  
have been seeing a dictionary attack on it on my mail server in the  
last hour or 2.  Otherwise I probably wouldn't have noticed this in  
the normal blizzard of spam and anti-spam in my email system.

> If they are a spammer, consider reporting them to Google perhaps?

Yeah I was going to do that.  But first I sent a couple of emails  
from him to him and I thought I'd wait until that died down ;-)

Oh and to everyone on the list: sorry for the extra emails on the list.

> Mikal
> -- 
> linux mailing list
> linux at

Kim Holburn
Security Manager, National ICT Australia Ltd.
Ph: +61 2 61258620 M: +61 417820641  F: +61 2 6230 6121
mailto:kim.holburn at  aim://kimholburn
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Cacert Root Cert:
Aust. Spam Act: To stop receiving mail from me: reply and let me know.

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