[clug] broadband ISPs in Canberra

Collins, Steve Steve.Collins at industry.gov.au
Fri Sep 24 01:55:29 GMT 2004

>I've had a pretty good experience with Internode - they're cluefull
>and don't care what OS you run. They have a debian mirror which
>doesn't count towards your monthly usage. You do have to pay quite a
>bit more for a static IP address though.

I'm with Chris.  Internode are the sh*$.

Almost preemptive support (on the two occasions I've needed it).  I've been with them for about 2-1/2 years with two year with BigPond prior.  The difference is huge.

They've just tweaked their plans - I'm now on 512/128 with 16Gb/month for $59.95.

Stephen Collins
Web Development Section
eBusiness Division
Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources 
Level 12, 20 Allara Street, Canberra City ACT 2600
GPO Box 9839, Canberra ACT 2601

E steve.collins at industry.gov.au
P +61 2 62137193
C +61 410 680722
F +61 2 62136227

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